Another Attempt in CAT? Learn From Past Attempts & Preparation Strategy


CAT is one of the most sought-after and challenging management entrance exams in India. Now with over 3 lakhs of candidates competing for limited seats (less than 1%) in top B-schools, the exam gets more difficult to crack. It has also become quite common for many aspirants to take multiple attempts in the CAT exam, especially if their first or second attempt did not yield the desired results as they wanted. If you are planning for another attempt in CAT, the most effective process will start with learning from your past mistakes and building a better, more structured and comprehensive preparation strategy for your next attempt. Remember that CAT is not just about solving problems. It is about developing the right mindset (calm yet active), learning smarter techniques, and making quick and efficient decisions during preparation as well as on the exam day. If you are someone who is thinking of reappearing for CAT again, this article, Next Attempt in CAT? Learnings From Past Attempts and Preparation Strategy is your bible. It will walk you through the important lessons from past CAT attempts and how to use those insights to solidify your performance in another attempt in CAT.

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Learning From Past CAT Attempts

Before you start preparing again, let us take a moment to understand on what all things worked for you in your earlier attempts and what did not go your way. Understanding and evaluating your strengths and weaknesses will help you make better decisions and optimize your preparation strategy this time. Here is the list of some of the common mistakes that candidates make and the lessons you can take from them.

1. Starting Late or Preparing for CAT Haphazardly

One of the most common reasons which are found amongst candidates usually underperform is starting their preparation very late or starting their preparation without a proper plan. It may be the case that you have tried to cover the syllabus very quickly, skipped a few key concepts or not given enough attention to your weaker areas.

Lesson Learned from Past Attempt in CAT: This time, it is better to start early and plan your preparation with full focus. Divide the syllabus into smaller chunks and allocate specific time for each topic, this will ensure overall coverage. Be realistic with your timelines and make sure that you have ample time for revision too.

2. Overlooking CAT Mock Tests and Their Analysis

Many aspirants either totally avoid mock tests or do not analyze them properly after attempting these mock tests. Simply taking a test will not be enough, learn to analyze mistakes and make sure you do not do the same again this time. Learn from them.

Lesson Learned from Past Attempt in CAT: For your next attempt, make mock tests your best friend in your CAT preparation journey. Initially start with one test per week and increase the frequency as you complete the syllabus and the D-day approaches. After every test, spend at least twice the test duration analyzing your performance. The best would be to re-solve the questions once again before looking for the solutions. Pay special attention to time management, set of questions selection and check for recurring mistakes.

3. Not Understanding the Exam Pattern or Question Types

Another very common mistake which is usually found is underestimating the importance of understanding the CAT exam pattern and the different types of questions. This lack of knowledge can lead to surprises on the exam day, which may impact your performance negatively.

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Lesson Learned from Previous Attempt in CAT: Take the time to thoroughly understand the CAT format, look for changes if any. Know the number of questions, their distribution across all the sections and understand the difficulty level. Understand the different question types and solve previous years’ papers to identify patterns and commonly asked questions.

4. Ignoring Stress Management in CAT

CAT is not just a test of knowledge; it also tests your calm and composure under pressure. Many candidates fail to perform to their full potential because of stress and anxiety on the exam day. Poor time management leads to further stress.

Lesson Learned from Previous CAT Attempt: This time, it is better to focus on building mental strength. Practice certain mindfulness techniques or engage in some kind of regular physical activity. Additionally, try to simulate exam conditions during mock tests to build confidence and reduce overall anxiety.

Building a Comprehensive CAT Preparation Strategy

Now that you have successfully identified the areas for improvement, it is now time to build a solid preparation plan for your next CAT attempt. A well-rounded strategy will ensure that you not only cover the entire syllabus on time but also build your test-taking skills and develop the mental strength which is much needed for the exam.

1. Understand the CAT Syllabus and Prioritize Topics

The CAT syllabus is vast, and trying to master everything can be very overwhelming at once. Instead, focus on topics with very high weightage and align your preparation as per the exam’s requirements.

Actionable Steps:

  • Divide the syllabus as per the three sections: Quantitative Ability (QA), Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), and Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR).
  • Identify your strong and weak sections and further drill down as per the topics in each of these sections.
  • Prioritize topics based on the weightage which is asked in the exam and as per your previous preparedness.

For example, in QA, arithmetic and algebra are high-weightage areas and have been the same across years. Similarly, in VARC, reading comprehension is important as covers 66% of the total marks. Make sure to allocate time smartly.

2. Set SMART Goals for CAT 2025

Your goals for CAT preparation should be SMART, which means, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Setting highly aspirational goals like “I want to score a minimum of 99 percentile” will not surely not help you unless you break them down into actionable steps.

Example Goals:

  • I will complete the arithmetic syllabus by the end of this month.
  • I will take at least three mock tests in the next two weeks and analyze them thoroughly.
  • I will try to solve at least 50 questions daily, especially focusing on my weak areas.

3. Master the Basics Before Moving to Advanced Concepts in CAT

Many candidates have the habit of jumping straight to solving difficult problems without even mastering the basics. While this approach may work in some topics, it will lead to confusion and frustration when you will not be able to solve a few questions.

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Actionable Steps:

  • Start with the fundamentals. Use standard textbooks or some trusted online resources to build a strong foundation.
  • Once you are comfortable with the basics, move on to solving advanced problems and know different ways to solve the same question and finally note down the shortcuts.

For example, in QA, it will be wise to complete arithmetic, algebra and geometry, before jumping into touching permutations & combinations or probability.

4. Incorporate CAT Mock Tests and Sectional Tests

Mock tests are truly invaluable for CAT preparation and should not be avoided at any cost. However, they should be taken along with sectional tests to build proficiency in all the sections.

Actionable Steps:

  • Begin with sectional tests as you finish your syllabus to strengthen those targeted areas.
  • Gradually move to full-length mocks to simulate the exam experience, usually from May onwards for your next attempt in CAT.
  • Focus on accuracy while maintaining a decent speed.
  • Do not try to over-attempt as they will lead to lower scores.

Remember, the goal is not just to score really high in mocks but to learn from your mistakes and improve with each attempt, so that you are better equipped on the D-day.

5. Enhance Reading and Comprehension Skills for CAT

The VARC section often becomes a challenge for candidates who do not come with a habit of reading regularly. Improving your overall reading speed and ability to comprehend can significantly boost your performance in this section.

Actionable Steps:

  • Read newspapers, magazines and non-fiction books daily. Focus on diverse topics, including economics, philosophy, geo-politics and science to name a few.
  • Practice summarizing passages in your own words to understand comprehension.
  • Solve at least two reading comprehension passages daily to have better practice and then analyse your mistakes to get better every day.

6. Develop Logical Thinking for DILR

The DILR section is always unpredictable and requires higher level of logical reasoning skills. While past trends can give you an idea of what usual question types are, and this is the key to do well in this section is just by practicing a variety of problems.

Actionable Steps:

  • Solve a variety puzzles and other sets regularly to sharpen your logical thinking.
  • Practice DILR sets from previous CAT papers and mock tests to understand the pattern of questions.
  • Focus on improving your overall speed without compromising on accuracy.

7. Focus on Time and Stress Management

Time management is probably most important for CAT, as you have limited time to answer a good number of questions. Stress can further negatively impact your ability to perform under pressure.

Actionable Steps:

  • Practice solving questions within a pre-decided time limit.
  • Develop a strategy for question selection as well. Attempt easy questions first and then revisit difficult ones later.

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