How to Build Profile for MBA and Its Importance

How to Build Profile for MBA

How to Build Profile for MBA and Its Importance

Let’s know about How to Build Profile for MBA and Its Importance. Academic excellence isn’t enough when it comes to the greatest colleges in the world. You must have a wide range of interests, exceptional skill sets, and appropriate internships, among other things. At the simplest, profile building for MBA abroad and in India is the process of identifying and developing projects and talents that can be displayed on your CV. It includes activities that help you achieve your professional and educational goals. Profile building is critical for a student’s total personality development, but it is not something that can be accomplished within a short span of time.

How to Make Your Profile Stronger for MBA?

1. Work experience

work experience for profile building

Taking up work experience after graduation is one of the many ways of profile building for MBA. You can apply for your college placements and get an entry level job that aligns with your future goals. Top B-schools generally prefer candidates who have had a relevant work experience. The only limitation will be the pay. The maximum package you can get as a fresher would be somewhere around 5 LPA and preparing for competitive exams with a full time job is tough.

2. Certification Courses

certified professional profile

When organizations recruit new people or evaluate their performance, Certified Professionals are given preference. A certification course allows an individual to demonstrate their ability, dedication to the field, and knowledge in their professional subject area while also assisting with employment growth. It is a credential gained by a person who certifies to a corporation that he is capable of executing a job. Certification courses are a good step towards profile building and they also will help you to get a desired job. Click here to know about some of the online certification courses that you can take.

3. Internships

internship for better profile

If you are inexperienced and do not know where to start, you can apply for internships. Full time jobs are long term commitments. Internships last for a short span of time which usually ranges from 3 to 6 months. The working hours are also less so you can prepare for the competitive exams without a lot of pressure. You can also analyse, whether a full time job in that particular domain is something that you’d look forward to.

4. Publish Research Papers

publish research papers

In the process of conducting a research, you develop your writing skills. It is a way to professionalize your college experience. Publishing research papers is one of the better ways of profile building for MBA. A research publication guarantees that your knowledge, exposure, skills, and viewpoints are recognised, in addition to creating a niche for you. These publications, like your university diploma, lend credibility to your resume.

5. Volunteer Work

Volunteer work for profile building

Don’t consider doing volunteer work solely to improve your MBA application. The impact you had on the organisation is what you need to demonstrate through your this experience. Volunteering at a non-profit organisation can demonstrate achievements that aren’t part of your professional background, as well as your principles and character.

6. Attend Conferences/ Seminars/ Webinars

Attending conferences and seminars related to your field will help you gather knowledge about the latest market trends and how the indutry works. These will also provide you with networking opportunities as you’ll get to connect with excellent and successful speakers and people who are experts in their fields. This in turn, is an easy and fun way of profile building for MBA.

7. Learn a New Language

profile building for mba

In addition to English, learning a foreign language like Spanish, French, Japanese, etc. can get you into a top B-school. Candidates who know a foreign language are given preference as they have a high probability of getting placed abroad after the completion of their MBA degree.

8. Work on Your Soft Skills

soft skills for profile building

Also Read: Important Soft Skills to Hone For MBA

Soft skills are an important part of profile building for MBA. Being good with soft skills is an important part of working with others, especially in the corporate industry. Leadership, communication, negotiation, decision making, problem solving, etc. are the skills that a manager should possess in order to maintain a healthy environment and for the smooth functioning of the company. These skills can also help you build a good relationship outside the office and to maintain a good relationship with your clients.

Importance of How to Build Profile for MBA

Let us discuss why building a good profile is important for a candidate aspiring to pursue MBA abroad or in India.

Introspecting, Experimenting & Exploring

While you’re still in college/ high school and you don’t know where your interests lie, various opportunities in the market allow you to explore and experiment with new domains. Through this you can figure out where your strengths lie and what is the one field you want to take forward for MBA. Profile building for MBA can also help you with self introspection. When you experiment and explore different fields, you get to know your capabilities and what might interest you if you move ahead with it.

Helps the Interviewer Understand Your Area of Interest

When you go for a B-schoool interview, the questions that would be asked from you are entirely based on whatever is mentioned in your CV. Jotting down these experiences will also help the interviewer understand where your interests lie. If you’ve worked diligently on your profile, then your interview might get easier as the questions will get narrowed down to your domain.

Improves your resume 

Building up your profile for MBA helps you in improving your resume. Adding internships, courses, work experience, etc., provides more credibility to your CV. Mentioning these gives an in-depth knowledge to the interviewer regarding your skill set and interests.

Helps in Skill Development

Profile building for MBA helps you acquire and build mastery over all the relevant skills that have a high market requirement in today’s date. Taking up projects, courses, etc. helps you gather knowledge and and these skills will later on help you in choosing your MBA specialisation and getting a job.

Increases the Probability of Getting Into Your Dream B-school

Having a good percentile in CAT, OMETs or GMAT is not enough to get into a top B-school. A good profile holds equal importance in increasing your chances of getting a good B-school. If you plan to pursue MBA from abroad, you won’t be eligible without a work experience of at least 2-3 years (the more the better). In addition to work experience; internships, certification courses, research projects also add to the selection criteria.

Compensates For an Average Past Academic Record

Suppose you don’t have brilliant 9/9/9 academic record. You cannot do anything about it now, can you? What you can actually do is focus on other non-academic aspects that will secure a place for you in your dream B-school. Join internships, focus on acquiring knowledge and developing skills. Take up small research based projects and focus on improving your resume. This is one of the most crucial reasons why profile building is important for MBA abroad or in India.

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