Quant Strategy For CAT Aspirants

quant strategy for cat aspirants 2023

Here’s a simple approach to an effective Quant strategy for CAT aspirants, 2023. Quantitative aptitude is a test of quantitative skills to evaluate MBA aspirants problem-solving, logical and analytical skills. 

Quant is considered the most critical and important section of the CAT exam. It is the last to be tested with a broad syllabus, with topics taken from the basic and elementary mathematics. This section has various numerical questions to test the mathematical skills, accuracy, and speed of the MBA aspirants.

The candidates should be aware of the syllabus, structure, pattern, and types of questions asked in the quantitative aptitude section. 

Syllabus For Quantitative Aptitude For CAT Exam

The syllabus for quantitative aptitude for cat exam is comprehensive. The topics covered in the CAT quant preparation are the basic and elementary maths topics. So, the aspirants should have a clear knowledge of the fundamentals. But first, let’s understand the details of this section. 

CAT Quant Details
No. of Questions in QA 24-26
Types of Questions  MCQ’s & TITA (Non-MCQ’s)
MCQ Questions 16-18
Non-MCQ Questions 6-7
Difficulty Level Moderate to High
Marking Scheme For MCQ +3 for correct answers

-1 for wrong answers

Marking Scheme For Non-MCQ No negative marking

If your maths were strong in your elementary classes, you will have no problem to ace the quants. However, many toppers claimed that maths was not their strength, so preparing for quants was a challenge. In spite of that, a well-planned strategy got them to pick up the pace and crack CAT with a high percentile, along with scoring in this section as well. This is a crucial section, so all the topics should be covered and practised devotedly.

Syllabus For CAT Quantitative Aptitude

Best Quant Strategy For CAT Aspirants 2023 To Ace The Exam

Unlike VARC and LRDI, quantitative aptitude has a predefined syllabus stretched broadly. Aspirants understand that without learning the basics and practising questions from all difficulty levels, they don’t stand a fair chance to score high in quant. So, a well-planned strategy is essential for the MBA aspirants who will appear for CAT 2023. If you are someone who feared maths, but are looking forward to studying in a reputed B-school, it is your chance to brush up your fundamentals.

Follow these steps to form an effective strategy for preparing for Quant CAT exam 2023

Work on Basics

The quantitative aptitude carries a major percentage of the CAT exam. When you know it is your weaker area, and is the highest scoring section, you will focus more on improving. Start from the topics you have always avoided in your elementary class. As you have a year to prepare, this leaves you plenty of time to understand the concepts.  

Practice Formulae

If you are familiar with the formulas, any numerical question is easy to solve. Practice formulae by writing them over and over again. You can also repeat the formulas in your mind while travelling, eating meals, in the gym or out for a walk. 

Solve Previous Year’s Question Papers

Going through previous year’s CAT question papers should be your next step. Once you start solving these papers, you will find a repeat pattern of the types of questions asked in quant sectionals. It doesn’t mean you concentrate only on topics repeating in the exam paper. But surely it’s an advantage to know where you need to put in extra efforts.

Join CAT Coaching

While self-study can be done at one’s own comfortable pace. But the best idea for the entrance exam preparation is to join CAT coaching from the beginning. The coaching material provided by iQuanta covers all quant topics individually through live video lectures by expert mentors, and extends 24×7 problem-solving to all our students. Check out iQuanta CAT Course 2023 and enrol today.

Attempt Mocks As Early As You Begin Quant Preparation

It is a myth that one should attempt mocks once the syllabus is completed. Mocks are critical in CAT preparation. Two months in the coaching or self study, all MBA aspirants preparing for CAT should start attempting mock tests. You should give two sectional mocks every week and one full mock test every 15 days.

Analyze Mock Tests

Look at your mock tests results, analyze them meticulously. This will help you understand your weaker sections and find the repetitive mistakes. The more you give mocks, the stronger you become in your weaker topics.

Practice and Revise Questions

Quantitative aptitude is all about numerals. Solve as many questions as possible, increasing the difficulty level from moderate to high. Make this your motto for the next one year – practice, revise, practice, revise, repeat.

Tips and Tricks – Quant Strategy For CAT Aspirants 2023

Now that we have understood the structure, pattern, and type of questions for the quant sectional, it is time to learn some tips and tricks to solve the numerals efficiently in the exam.

  • Learn formulae and strengthen your basics in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and modern maths by finding shortcuts and tricks to solve the questions.
  • Make a small diary to write all the important formulas, topic-wise. This will come in handy whenever you have to relook formulae that you can’t remember.
  • Write the difficult formulas on different sticky notes and stick on your study table. Every time you sit to study, have a quick glance at the sticky notes.
  • Make a list of the books for quant preparation. You can check in with your friend and family circle to find people who have cleared the CAT exam. Ask their guidance on the best books to self-study and practice quants from.
  • Make sure to practice the coaching study materials rigorously. The study materials are up-to-date and can be helpful when practised regularly.
  • Check out Quora and other online platforms to read CAT toppers study plans and strategies to help you upgrade your CAT preparations.

Best Books For CAT Quantitative Aptitude Preparation

Sharing below a list of books that you can read to self prepare for quants. Know that these are reference books, but cannot replace the quality of CAT coaching from a reputed coaching institute.

MBA aspirants are advised to keep watching our blog space for the CAT exam 2023 details, sample papers, online CAT course details, online mocks, counselling and 24×7 problem-solving assistance.