SBI PO Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 

SBI PO Syllabus and Exam Pattern
SBI PO Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Understanding the SBI PO exam pattern and syllabus is equally important as appearing for the exam. Candidates who will appear for the exam and want to crack the exam must check the latest exam pattern and SBI PO syllabus before appearing for the exam as it will provide a better understanding of the exam to the candidates which results in good scores.

This blog discusses the SBI PO syllabus and exam pattern. Candidates can check all the details regarding the SBI Po syllabus and exam pattern here.

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SBI PO Syllabus 2025: Overview

Candidates who are preparing for the SBI PO exam must know the exam pattern and syllabus. The SBI PO exam is consists of three stages prelims, mains and interview. Candidates can check out all the details in the table given below:

SBI PO Syllabus 2025: Overview
Recruitment BodyState Bank of India (SBI)
Exam NameSBI PO 2025
PostsProbationary Officer (PO)
Mode of ExamOnline
No. of QuestionsPrelims- 100Mains- 155 (MCQs) + 2 (descriptive)
Negative Marking0.25
Selection Process
  • Prelims
  • Mains
  • Interview

SBI PO Prelims Syllabus

The prelims exam of the SBI PO exam consists of three sections i.e. Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. Candidates can check all the details regarding the same in the given below table:

SBI PO Prelims Syllabus 2025
ReasoningQuantitative AptitudeEnglish Language
Logical ReasoningSimplificationReading Comprehension
Alphanumeric SeriesProfit & LossCloze Test
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet TestMixtures & AllegationsPara jumbles
Data SufficiencySimple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & IndicesMiscellaneous
Coded InequalitiesWork & TimeFill in the blanks
Seating ArrangementTime & DistanceMultiple Meaning/Error Spotting
PuzzleMensuration – Cylinder, Cone, SphereParagraph Completion
TabulationData InterpretationVocabulary
SyllogismRatio & Proportion, PercentageSentence Improvement
Blood RelationsNumber SystemsWord Association
Input-OutputSequence & SeriesError Spotting
Coding-DecodingPermutation, Combination &ProbabilityVerbal Ability

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2025 – Prelims

The SBI PO prelims exam consists of three sections i.e. Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. This exam is a 100-mark online test and candidates have to complete this in a time limit of 1 hour i.e. 60 minutes. A negative marking of 0.25 marks also will be there for each incorrect answer.

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2025: Prelims
S.No.SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Duration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total1001001 hour

SBI PO Mains Syllabus 2025

The mains exam of the SBI PO exam consists of four sections i.e. Data Analysis and Interpretation, Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking Awareness, and English Language. Candidates can check all the topics that are important to cover for the exam in the table below:

SBI PO Mains Syllabus
Data Analysis & InterpretationReasoningGeneral/Economy/Banking AwarenessEnglish LanguageComputer
Tabular GraphVerbal ReasoningCurrent AffairsReading ComprehensionInternet
Line GraphSyllogismFinancial AwarenessGrammarMemory
Bar GraphCircular Seating ArrangementGeneral KnowledgeVerbal AbilityKeyboard Shortcuts
Charts & TablesLinear Seating ArrangementStatic AwarenessVocabularyComputer Abbreviation
Missing Case DIDouble LineupBanking Terminologies KnowledgeSentence ImprovementMicrosoft Office
Radar Graph CaseletSchedulingBanking AwarenessWord AssociationComputer Hardware
ProbabilityInput OutputPrinciples of InsurancePara JumblesComputer Software
Data SufficiencyBlood Relations Error SpottingComputer Fundamentals /Terminologies
Let it Case DIDirections and DistancesCloze TestNetworking
Permutation and CombinationOrdering and RankingFill in the blanksNumber System
Pie ChartsData Sufficiency Operating System
 Coding and DecodingBasic of Logic Gates
Code Inequalities 
Course of Action
Critical Reasoning
Analytical and Decision Making

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SBI PO Exam Pattern 2025 – Mains

The SBI PO mains exam has four sections i.e. Data Analysis & Interpretation, Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking Awareness, and English Language. Candidates are given 3 hrs to complete the objective section of the exam. Candidates can check out the given below table for a detailed overview:

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2025: Mains
S.No.SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime allotted
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude405050 minutes
2General Economy/ Banking Awareness506045 minutes
3English Language354040 minutes
4Data Analysis & Interpretation305045 minutes

SBI PO Syllabus 2025 – Descriptive Writing

The candidates who are appearing for the SBI PO exam have to take the descriptive exam which has 50 marks right after their mains objective exam. This section is conducted to test the comprehensive skills of the students. 

  • 2 questions will be asked in this section and candidates have to answer them within a time limit of 30 minutes.
  • This section contains a total of 50 marks

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2025: Descriptive Writing

Candidates can check the table below to get a better understanding of the exam pattern of the descriptive writing section.

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2025: Descriptive Writing 
S.No.SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime allotted
1English Language(Letter Writing & Essay)25030 minutes

SBO PO 2025 Interview

After clearing all the above rounds candidates will be called for the final round i.e. interview round. Candidates can check the table given below to know in a brief:

Sr. NoName of the TestMaximum Marks
1Group Exercise20

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FAQS- SBI PO Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 

How long is the duration of the SBI PO prelims exam?

The SBI PO prelims exam will be conducted for 1 hour i.e. 60 minutes.

How many sections are included in the SBI PO mains exam?

The mains exam of the SBI PO exam consists of four sections i.e. Data Analysis & Interpretation, Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking Awareness, and English Language.

 What types of questions are asked during the SBI PO interview round?

During the SBI interview, candidates will be questioned about their educational background, hobbies, achievements, and other relevant details.


It is important for a candidate who wants to clear the SBI PO 2025 exam syllabus and pattern knowledge. The exam consists of three stages, i.e. Prelims and Mains and Interview, which makes one learn every sort of human intelligence reasoning, quantitative aptitude, and English language besides general awareness and computer aptitude. A good understanding of what is being covered in which stage of the exam coupled with systematic practice would go a long way to increase the probability of cracking. Candidates should be updated with the new exam pattern and be thorough with both objective and descriptive sections to do well with all the phases.