SNAP Preparation and Strategy | SNAP exam 2022

SNAP Strategy

SNAP Preparation and SNAP exam 2022 

SNAP Percentile- 97.1183


Symbiosis National Aptitude Test is a national level MBA entrance exam that gives admission to 16 Symbiosis Institutes in India.

  1. SIBM (Symbiosis Institute of Business Management), Pune
  2. SCMHRD (Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development) Pune
  3. SIIB (Symbiosis Institute of International Business), Pune
  4. SIBM (Symbiosis Institute of Business Management) Bangalore
  5. Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM) Nashik
  6. SICSR (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies & Research) Pune
  7. SIDTM(Symbiosis Institute of Digital And Telecom Management), Pune
  8. SIMS (Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies), Pune
  9. SIMC (Symbiosis Institute of Media & Communication)Pune
  10. SCIT (Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology), Pune
  11. SIHS (Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences) Pune
  12. SSMC (Symbiosis School for Media & Communication) Bangalore
  13. SSBF (Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance), Pune
  14. SSSS (Symbiosis School of Sports Sciences), Pune
  15. SIBM (Symbiosis Institute of Business Management), Hyderabad
  16. SIBM (Symbiosis Institute Of Business Management) Nagpur

Paper pattern

SNAP 2019 had a change in paper pattern from SNAP 2018, wherein they scrapped the General Ability section. The paper pattern was as follows:

Section 1.5 marks 2 marks Total marks
English 34 0 51
Logical Reasoning 36 0 54
Quants 35 5 45
Total 105 5 150

Here, all the questions had ¼ marks of total marks as negative marks. Also, one most important point about the paper pattern is that there is no sectional time limit i.e. you can switch between sections as and when you want and also there are no sectional cut-offs i.e. the overall total score is taken into account while considering percentile score.

“In case you are looking for a structured Course for SNAP, you can enrol for SNAP-NMAT Course by iQuanta with Live classes, Mocks etc. Visit :”
SNAP-NMAT Class Schedule 



As you can see from my SNAP scorecard that I got 32.250/51 in English, 33.375 in Logical and Analytical Reasoning and 15.500/45 in Quants. Though I had scored 97.75 percentile in CAT Quants, I scored a pretty average in SNAP Quants.

But Why?

“Time and Tide wait for none”. This is exactly what the SNAP exam is based upon. SNAP is not an exam with a high level of difficulty, rather SNAP is a speed-based test with a moderate level of difficulty.

The whole game to ace the SNAP exam is to choose which questions to pick and which to skip considering time constraints.

Why did I not start the SNAP exam with my strongest section?

Though Quants is my strongest section, I started my SNAP exam with the English section as I can solve more questions in less time. Apart from reading comprehension, SNAP also has questions from verbal reasoning and verbal ability which can be solved in under a minute. After the English section, I attempted the Analytical and Logical Reasoning section as it also has fewer case-based questions and more direct single non- case-based questions. At the last, I attempted the Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency section as this is the most time-consuming section where on average it would take around 1.5 minutes to solve a question.

SNAP examStrategy

I attempted the SNAP exam in 3 rounds.

  1. In the first round, from the General English section, I attempted Verbal Ability and Verbal Reasoning questions which can be done in 30 secs to 45 secs with 85-90% accuracy. I didn’t even see Reading Comprehension questions and skipped them at the moment.
    From the Analytical and Logical Reasoning section, I attempted non-case based single questions which can be solved in 45 secs to 60 secs with 85-90% accuracy. I didn’t even see case-based questions like matrix arrangement, input-output, etc. and skipped them at the moment.
    From the Quantitative section, I attempted only those questions that can be done in 60-75 secs with 90-95% accuracy. I didn’t even see Data Interpretation questions and skipped them at the moment.
  1. In the second round, I gave more time to questions that I could not solve in the first round and in which I think I can solve by taking more time. Also, in this round, I tried case-based questions from Analytical and Logical Reasoning which I am familiar with and which I think I can solve. Similar is the case with Quants.
  2. In the third round, I now attempted Reading Comprehension questions and Data Interpretation questions and try to maximise my score by solving them.
    In general, in some mocks, I was able to reach round 3 and in some mocks, I could only reach around 2. This would depend solely on the difficulty of the paper and one has to make the decision accordingly.”In case you are looking for a structured Course for SNAP, you can enrol for SNAP-NMAT Course by iQuanta with Live classes, Mocks etc. Visit :”
    SNAP-NMAT Class Schedule 


Why I did not fetch a SIBM and SCMHRD, Pune call?

SBIM PUNE Before the start of the exam, in the instructions, there was this one instruction that stated

“In the special question, we need to round off the number to 2 decimal points.”

Looks like a very simple instruction to follow, but trust me every MBA entrance exam you give, a lot of them will have different instructions which you may encounter during the test day itself.

So, I completely forgot this instruction and that’s because of 3 reasons:

  1. The pressure of the situation in the exam when it’s your do or die attempt
  2. The instruction is very new as even in CAT there is no concept of rounding off in TITA questions
  3. The special questions being lengthy, I decided to attempt it in the last part of the exam and that too in the last 15 minutes, when you try to maximise your score as much as you can and forget trivial yet very important things like this.

So, I attempted 2 special questions only and out of which one had an answer in decimal point and another was a whole number.

How much did it cost?

The one special question which I solved completely and forgot to round off to 2 decimal points was of 2marks. Also, it had a negative marking of ¼ i.e. 0.5 marks. So, in total, I lost 2.5 marks which in an exam like SNAP would have boosted my percentile from 97.1183 to 98.3+ and which would have given me the esteemed SIBM, Pune and SCMHRD, Pune call.

“In case you are looking for a structured Course for SNAP, you can enrol for SNAP-NMAT Course by iQuanta with Live classes, Mocks etc. Visit :”
SNAP-NMAT Class Schedule

Key Takeaways

  • Check the instructions very carefully
  • Stay calm and composed
  • Speed is the king/queen to ace SNAP exam
  • Choose the right questions.
  • Don’t get too much attached to a question
  • Hold your nerves, grab a snicker, everything will be alright!

Things like this will happen in your life, the key is to not get too much attached to it and focus on the next exam and try to ace it. All the best for all your exams!!

CAT 2022 Course