SPJIMR Mumbai Convert Shares His CAT Preparation Strategy


Here’s the Interview of SP Jain Convert Abhinav Sharma who took coaching from iQuanta.

CAT Community

Q: Today we have with us an aspirant who took coaching from iQuanta and converted SP Jain. Abhinav, Please tell us about your journey.

ABHINAV: Hello, thanks for having me here. I will start off by telling that I have converted SP Jain where my stream will be operations and supply chain. So, in this interview I will try to cover topics that I have heard the most and will be related to my personal experience too.

I would like to tell you about my strategy for all the 3 sections. So, In VARC it’s all about reading. You might think that I am good at VARC because I am good at English but in CAT this mindset does not help. The passages that usually come in the CAT exam need a lot of reading practice and are very much tricky. So, in order to score well in the VARC section, read as much as you can. Read some articles on a daily basis like – “The Hindu” and all other famous articles. Read articles and make a note of it so that you get a habit of summarizing the passages and solving them within the time limit.

Talking about myself, I am someone who is not so good at English and reading articles. But, with time I made a habit of reading and that’s what helped me to score good in it.

For DILR, I would say that it is a section that haunted me for a long period of time. I had given the CAT exam 2 years ago but my score in the DILR section was not up to the mark so at that time my SP Jain call got canceled. But luckily, this time I gave the XAT exam and got a pretty good score and finally I got the call from SP Jain.

For Quants, I would say that iQuanta really helped a lot because this was the section in which I improved the most. I took iQuanta coaching this year and I saw that the facebook community of iQuanta is always active and ready for help.

Watch Abhinav’s Full Interview here:

Q: How many mocks did you give and what are your views on analyzing the mocks?

ABHINAV: I gave around 50-55 mocks in total and talking about the mocks, it is something which is very important. You need to give as many mocks as possible and have a right strategy to analyze it where you are able to identify your mistakes and work on it.

And the thing is you have to maintain consistency. No matter what your scores are and what all problems are happening, just keep on hustling and finally you will make it by figuring a way out.

Q: How did iQuanta help you in your preparation and how can it help other Aspirants?

ABHINAV: I would suggest anyone who is enrolling into iQuanta should take as much help as possible from the facebook community because it really helps a lot. No matter at what time or what type of query you are putting in the group, it will get resolved within minutes. There are people in that community who are in a very good position, sitting in the U.S but are active in the community to help others. So, you need to interact with them, grasp knowledge and guidance from them as much as possible and make the most out of it.

Q: After the CAT exam, there comes the GDPI rounds. So, how was your interview and what were the questions asked from you?

ABHINAV: Talking about my interview, it was a mix of my background, current affairs and politics. I was asked about demonetisation in India and things related to that. So, the thing is that you have to be aware not only about your background but also about what all is happening around you as anything can be asked in the interviews.

Q: One last question, what advice would you like to give to all other aspirants who want to do MBA?

ABHINAV: My advice for them would be to be consistent and read a lot. I believe that to clear any of the entrance exams like CAT, XAT, NMAT and so on, you have to read a lot and make a habit of reading articles and newspapers on a daily basis.

Apart from that, you can enroll yourself into a good coaching like iQuanta, where you can interact with people and get their help as studying is not the only thing to do, getting right advice and guidance from right people and making the most out of it is also what helps a lot.