Strategy to prepare for all MBA exams simultaneously.


Strategy to prepare for all MBA exams simultaneously

Is it possible to prepare for CAT, XAT, NMAT, CMAT, CET, TISSNET, SNAP, IIFT, SSC CGL, Bank PO, NICL exams all at once?

Yes! All these exams typically test aptitude & GK.

Quant, Reasoning, Verbal tested in CMAT, CET, TISSNET, SNAP, SSC CGL, Bank PO, NICL exams are of basic level. These are speed tests & one needs to have sound basics coupled with the adequate practice for improving the speed with efficiency (most important).

Whereas CAT, XAT, NMAT, IIFT are application-based tests. These test Quant, Reasoning, Verbal of a higher level compared to above exams. So along with basics, you need to learn new concepts, improve your problem-solving ability, give a lot of mock tests, hone your logical skills & do critical analysis.

3-month Strategy

Before embarking on the preparation of aptitude exams you need to test the waters by going through the pattern of these exams & attempting previous year question papers to gauge your current standing. Those who are good at aptitude just need to brush up concepts & proceed with the mocks (customized) to up the ante. Brush concepts in a couple of months, start attempting mocks & analyse them well. Job done!

6-month Strategy

Now if you lack in Verbal or Quant (or both) then you have a tougher job at hand. First, you have to work upon your basics before you can proceed with the mocks. In many cases, this can take you even more than 6 months before you start feeling confident in that particular section, be it quant or verbal (or both). Patience is the key here. The first & foremost thing you need to do is to accept your current standing & to stop comparing yourself with your peers (who have sound basics).

DON’T compare your preparation with others

Unnecessarily comparing yourself with others will only hamper your chances & you may just waste your time by trying to do better than them sooner than required. Instead, make a smart move & give each component the time it deserves. Enjoy your preparation. This is very important. Don’t buckle under the pressure. Let the section (in which you are weak) say, “OK, I surrender man! Now leave me alone for some time”. And it’s better to make your own timetable/strategy rather than someone else doing it for you. Remember, once you start working in a managerial position in a company, you would be expected to lead & tell others what they need to do & how. So better start practising this from the beginning to get into the groove. Enrol in a good coaching institute or prepare under an able mentor but make your own strategy & add some of his advice that you think will fill the interstitial voids coherently. You are the lead hero of your journey. Coaching institutes, mentors is the supporting cast that helps to make your journey a success. But it’s you, the lead hero, who reaps the rich dividends. So maximum efforts have to be borne by you.

Mock Tests and Analysis

It is very important to give mock tests for high pressure and critical exam like CAT.
In CAT, you have very little scope for error. You miss 5 mins of concentration and the percentile drops by a huge margin.

Hence important to keep in mind:

  1. Give a sufficient number of mock tests to get used to the question paper pattern.
  2. Giving mock tests will help you devise your own strategy.
  3. Mock tests also help you get to know your strengths and weaknesses.
  4. It will increase your speed and efficiency so that you maintain full concentration for the entire duration of the Exam.

General Knowledge

Last but not the least, General Knowledge. GK is the heroine without which the picture is not complete.  GK will be helpful to you in B-school interviews as the panel may ask you anything under the sun and try to put you under pressure. You can have a sound GK by reading articles/ editorial part of the newspaper or other Business newspapers on a daily basis. This will help you upgrade your vocabulary and your comprehension skills. GK – So woo her, titillate her…she will become putty in your hands. Ignore her & she will ditch you at the last moment. GK is the clincher in many cases. Give her the respect she deserves & she will help you achieve your dreams.