Suvam’s Journey From Single Digit in Mocks to 99.52%ile in CAT 2023

CAT 2023 Topper Suvam

The CAT 2023 results are out, IIM Lucknow announced the results yesterday, i.e. 21st December 2023. The toppers list will be updated soon on the website. The CAT exam was conducted in 167 cities across India. Around 2.88 Lakh candidates appeared for the exam, the highest till date for this exam. Once again, iQuanta outshone the competition, delivering stellar CAT results for this year as well, reaffirming its reputation as the unrivaled leader in CAT preparation. iQuanta student Suvam Debnath who scored 99.52 %ile, shares his CAT preparation journey.

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CAT Topper Suvam Debnath
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Suvam Debnath was a student of iQuanta’s ABC Batch. Suvam said “In my entire cat journey I had never crossed 99.5+ in varc. And in sept-oct-nov my scores in varc even dipped as low as single digits. Even though I was confident in my varc techniques, those bad scores really did take a toll on my mental health. Then came Dday and blindly relied on my techniques and voila scored decent in varc. This just amplifies the fact that mock scores are in no way an accurate indicator of what might go down on the D-day. I am from iim abc batch those daily rc material really helped me a lot!! So thank you Jeet Singh and team iQuanta for everything.” Suvam Debnath posted his journey in the CAT Preparation- iQuanta Facebook group.

Suvam Debnath’s Journey

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