The Three Keys To Success in GMAT


Cracking The GMAT Exam

GMAT Exam is one of the most preferred exams for studying abroad and also to gain admission in many prestigious universities in India like ISB. Many prestigious international B-schools also accept GMAT scores.

However, scoring good enough in GMAT to get into top B-Schools requires you to get a 700+ score out of 800. Therefore, you need to work hard and make sure that you have an effective strategy for cracking the exam.

The Three Keys to Success:

  • Perseverance: The GMAT preparation journey is intensive wherein you would be required to practice many varieties of questions be it in Quants, Verbal, AWA, or Integrated Reasoning. To achieve this, you would need regular practice and perseverance.
    Perseverance is simply “persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success”. Remember success can be delayed but not denied if you put in regular efforts.
  • Understanding Syllabus: this point is quite obvious. To crack any exam, you need to understand well what you would be facing so that you can derive an effective strategy. Analysing the syllabus is a good start.
    Make sure that you understand each section of the GMAT well. You can refer here for the section-wise strategy for Quants, Verbal, AWA and Integrated Reasoning.
  • Content: the last and the most important part of your preparation is the right content. There are a lot of resources in the market but not all of them are relevant resources. Judge accordingly before you start preparing. Now the question is how can one judge relevancy.
    The most effective way to analyse the relevancy of any preparation material is by judging it according to the exam standard. If the questions are asked in the exam from the content you have prepared, that is one indicator of the quality and relevancy of it.

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These were some of the essential keys to success in the exam. Also, remember the famous ‘Pareto Principle that states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your action. Therefore, prioritise the most regularly asked question-types instead of referring to the arcane math formulas or verbal concepts. Always focus on exam relevancy.

After you have mastered the above elements, practice is the last step. For suggestions regarding how to practice efficiently, refer to the points below:

Remain honest: do not cheat yourself by looking at solutions too early. Give yourself time to understand the problem yourself and try to solve it through different means. It will take time at first but eventually, you will be able to solve the questions. Give yourself all the time to be creative and try to solve through various methods and variations.

Schedule: Make a schedule. Give yourself a sense of mental clarity by making a dedicated time schedule. This way, you will be able to prioritise your tasks. This will also help you train your brain for prolonged study hours.

Mock tests: Finally, give as many mock tests as you can, and of different varieties of questions. Try to solve them all by yourself without jumping too quickly to the solutions. Also, try to give a mock test by simulating the real exam conditions, like with a timer and without breaks.

These were some of the tips that you should refer to if you want to aim for that lucrative 750+ score in GMAT. Rest, have faith in yourself and you shall see yourself succeed.

To study for GMAT, you can join iQuanta’s GMAT preparation community wherein you can interact with other GMAT aspirants and learn together while also solving free daily questions there from each of the sections. Join the GMAT preparation community at:

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