TISS Interview Experience | TISS Interview Tips by Rohit Kumar

TISS interview experience

TISS Interview Experience & Interview Tips 

I remember the excitement I had for the interview since morning of the day, as mine was scheduled in the second half. By the time I was getting ready for my slot all my enthusiasm turned into a fear of failing the last chance I was giving to any entrance. It was not the first interview of TISS I was about to give it was actually my second attempt for HRM & LR course. I gathered whatever courage I had and sat on the chair which was specifically arranged for this occasion. Here I’ll be sharing my TISS interview experience and a few TISS interview tips that you can keep in mind to ace the TISS interview process.

Rohit's TISS Interview experience
Rohit Kumar, TISS Mumbai

Before moving ahead I would like to provide my introduction of that time to give you a context “My name is Rohit Kumar, I am born in Bihar and brought up in Ghaziabad. I have completed my graduation from Delhi University. After my graduation I started preparing for civil service examination. During my preparation phase I explored new knowledge horizons and developed multidimensional perspective with Social sensitivity. Also I am a part time tutor for last 8 years. My most of the teaching experience is for students of higher secondary. During teaching sessions I acquired skills of communication, practiced values of accepting if I am wrong, and discovered my trait of adaptability. I like to play chess and watch Anime in my leisure time.”

Rohit Kumar recommends TISS Course for iQuanta 


Also Read : TISSNET Exam Strategy

Detailed Profile

Rohit is a BSc. graduate in Physical Sciences. He scored 8.4 CGPA in X, 80% in XII and 65.87% in his Undergraduation. He also has a work experience of 2.5 years as a teacher. Let us now dive into his TISS interview experience.

TISS Interview experience
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai

TISS Extempore

We were provided with the link beforehand in online admit card at admission portal so I joined the link and was waiting for the operator to allow me in the meeting. Once we were allowed in the meeting our identity was confirmed by the operator and accordingly given a particular number as we were asked to wait in the zoom lobby. I was second in the queue to panel 3. Every 10 to 20 minutes operator will call a number in the lobby and send the person to the breaking room where panel was waiting for the candidate. Finally my number was called and I was sitting in front of the panelists.

There were three panelist, one I knew it was Premlatha mam and other two were not part of TISS faculty (that I got to know after I went to the campus). They all welcomed me with a smile and accordingly I smiled and greeted the panelists starting with Panelist 1 (Premlatha mam), Panelist 2 (a middle aged female) and Panelists 3 (A late 50s male). After exchange of greetings P1 asked me for introduction and after that she told me about the rules of extempore.

Rules of TISS Extempore : The extempore is of 4 minutes where you will be given one minute to think and 3 minutes to speak on a topic. If you would like to change the topic you can change once but the second topic will be the final one and you cannot go back to first topic. I asked them if I can note down points on the paper and they accepted it with a smile.

With a few things about TISS extempore that I had prepared, I went with an open mind that if I will be knowing about a topic I will choose it without hesitation and if not then I will ask for the second topic. My first topic was “Encouraging Ethical Dissent in an Organization”. I liked the topic due to my UPSC background and without wasting any time, I accepted. I have developed a habit of writing a topic in a circle, bringing out broad dimensions and then some specific details in one minute. This was possible because of regular practice with other aspirants. I did the same and prepared the content to speak for three minutes. My extempore ended by two minutes forty seconds but P1 asked me to speak for another twenty seconds and so, I did.

TISS Interview Experience

After extempore the TISS interview started, I can feel that I was more calm and composed as extempore has helped me to focus on what is important. My thoughts were clear and I was not thinking about how well or bad my extempore went. One reason of that would be my practice of extempore that has given me confidence to speak and as I did that well, my thoughts were more focused.

The panelists were very cordial. They were interested in knowing me from all dimensions but more in depth analysis of my HR knowledge was on their agenda.

TISS Interview Question : Most of the questions were asked on HR practices in present times and what organizations are struggling with. What are some HR skills that you have? What is inclusivity? Some examples around it, Some Indian organization for good HR practices etc. and some questions from DAF. (I have attached my transcript at the end of this document)

One of the instances I specifically remember from my TISS interview experience is when I could not answer a basic question which was related to my graduation. But the good part was, it came at the end of my TISS interview so it did not impact my overall performance. However, even after that, I kept focused on the next question. Here I realized that it is very important to pay attention to what is being talked about. This skill can certainly help in moving on from the last question, or in general, from a setback.

TISS Interview Tip

Another instance from my TISS interview experience I remember where I used my presence of mind to answer a question with common sense rather than being technical about it. So I had written inclusivity as one of the important agenda for me to achieve as an HR.

TISS Interview Question : P2 asked me about three of my skills and I did not mention anything related to inclusivity in it. Then came the counter question, so I thought for 10 seconds and as she was about to move on I answered by saying that inclusivity is a goal that can be achieved by utilizing my skills.

Now when I look back at my TISS interview experience, I can think how easy it was. But at that time, instantly thinking of those answers was not less than an achievement for me. It boosted my confidence like anything.

The TISS interview was concluded, I was asked to leave the meeting and after the interview I was very confused about my performance. I wrote my TISS interview experience transcript and while writing that I realized it was an average TISS interview experience with both good and not so good parts. On the other hand, my analysis of me as an individual was very less in my judgement but rather my judgement was based on what all I answered and what not.

Here, I would like to conclude my TISS interview experience. My advice to the interview day me would be:

You have done whatever could have been done and now, the only thing you can do is to have faith in your preparation. Regardless of results you have fought well so don’t think it was a waste. If not this, something else might be waiting for you. So live the interview in that moment without any baggage of past or worry of future. All the best.

Rohit Kumar, TISS Mumbai

TISS Interview Experience – Verdict : Converted

Rohit’s TISS Interview Experience : Transcript

Time : 20 minutes
Tell me about yourself.
Extempore: Encouraging ethical dissent in organizations
P1 : What have you studied for the HR interview?
Business organizations with good HR practices?
What skills HR needs? In which skill you are least knowledgeable?
What is inclusivity?
Examples of organizations where practices leads to inclusivity.  
P2 : Some Indian organizations for good HR practices.
Questions on hobbies.
What all you did for this interview?  
P3 : What are some of the protests happening around the world in recent times?
Some workers protest and why protests are important?
What is the use of computer science in HRM?

If you are looking for a structured plan to prepare for TISSNET 2023, visit www.iQuanta.in/mba.
