A Stack is a fundamental data structure in computer science field. The applications of a stack in data structure lies in its Last In First Out (LIFO) operations and all the elements are arranged in the same manner.
They are crucial for many computing system purposes and real-life applications of stack in data structure since they are simple and fast. The stack still underlies many systems and algorithms today and will continue to do so in 2025.
In this article, you will learn about top 10 applications of stack in data structure in 2025, explaining their significant role in different domains.
What is Stack in Data Structure ?
The Stack is a linear data structure and an abstract data type that sequentially organizes elements. LIFO in stack data structure refers that the element will insert last will come out first from the stack and well this works for all the elements onto the stack.
This structure is well suited if we know that we will be storing data temporarily or if we need to reverse it such as managing function calls or navigation through web browser history.
Imagine a stack of books or a stack of plates where you could only insert or delete the topmost book or plate. Similarly, in a stack, data is managed from the top.
Operations of Stack in Data Structure
The following are some operations that are implemented on the stack.
- Push Operation
- Pop Operation
- Peek Operation

Push: Push operation takes place where new elements are being placed onto the stack. Since you have only one end on which to add a unique element, it adds the new element at the top of the stack.
Pop: Pop operation means to take the element out of the stack again because you only have one end for all top of the stack. It just pops off the top item from the stack.
Peek: Peek operation retrieves the topmost element from a stack without removing it from the collections of data elements. This operation first checks if the Stack is empty then an appropriate message will display, or else the value will return.
Applications of Stack in Data Structure
In this blog we will be covering top 10 applications of stack in data structure that are listed below:
Function calls
Function calls are one of the most important among these top 10 applications of stack in data structure. In programs, every time you call one function into another function, it pushes its referent in the stack.
Whenever a function is called its data is pushed onto the stack. After this is done, all the popped details keep on rolling which makes it easy to switch from one call to the other, allowing smooth transitions between function calls.
For example, suppose we have a program with three functions A, B, and C, respectively, where Function A calls function B, and the return address for function A is pushed onto the stack. where function A calls function B the return address for function A is pushed onto the stack.
How it works ?
- When a function is called, its information is passed into the stack.
- Once the execution is through the pop out all of the details and instant transition of function calls is easily facilitated.
Evaluation Expression
Evaluation of arithmetic expression plays a pivotal role in the application of stack in data structure specifically in evaluating arithmetic expressions composed in postfix and prefix formats. The sequence of operations is no longer shown by parentheses, the arrangement of operators and operands in these notations simplifies computation.
By simplifying the structure of expressions, these formats are able to minimize most of the cases arising from expressions and make the evaluation much easier. Such characteristics make them most suitable for stack processing since these operations are accomplished systematically by way of push and pop involvement in processing complicated mathematical expressions to eliminate error.
This application of stack in data structure is widely used in:
- To analyze and evaluate expressions while code compilation.
- For quick results of calculations where a large number of arithmetical operations are performed.
- In algorithms that analyze or validate the syntax of arithmetic expressions in stack based approach.
Expression Conversion
Expression conversion is the process of converting infix expressions that represent arithmetic operations in their conventional form into postfix or prefix. This transform makes the order of operations obvious on one hand and reduces the use of parentheses on the other side by making computations easier to perform.
The applications of stack in data structure is fundamental in executing this conversion, as stacks are very good at handling operators and their precedence.
How it works ?
- Depending on the greatly improved priorities, an element is pushed onto the stack. After it starts processing the higher precedence first.
- When opening parentheses are encountered, it is pushed onto the stack to mark a grouping. Closing ones are popped until there is an occurrence of a corresponding opening.
- After processing the whole expression all remaining operators on the stack are added to the output.
Undo Mechanisms
The undo mechanism is a common and practical application of stack in data structure. This functionality is provided by stack because of their Last In First Out (LIFO) operations which return the most recently acted upon item first.
For Example, If we write “Hello”, in the text editor and delete “o” and then perform undo, it will reverse the operation which was the deletion.
Likewise in design tools, edges or lines that are drawn or erased can be reversed in order of execution.
Having this stack-based mechanism guarantees the efficacy along with the application making it an important trademark in modern software applications.
Syntax Parsing
Syntax parsing is one of the most basic uses of application of stack in data structure, extensively used while compiling the code. It achieves validation of most programming constructs like expressions, loops, and function calls from grammatical perspectives of the programming language. With reference to stack capability of tracking elements in a sequence, syntax parsing assists in retaining the sensible and ordinal constructs of the code.
This application of stack data in structure can be used to store parentheses or braces and then verify if they correspond to each other check syntax and make sure the code matches the expected layout.
Browser History Management
Browser History Management is one of the core applications of stack in data structure that web browsers rely on to efficiently handle their navigation history. Every time the user is navigated to a new page, it pops up the current page from its stack. The browser pops the stack when the user clicks the browser’s back button the browser can easily roll back through the browsing steps.
This stack based mechanism simplifies browsing history management and gives a better browsing experience for users who want to go back to an earlier page in a sequence of pages.
How it works ?
- It pushes the current page to a stack when a user moves to a new webpage.
- When the back button is clicked the stack is popped and the previous page is loaded.
Backtracking Algorithms
Among all applications of stack in data structure, backtracking algorithms play the most important role for they make use of stacks when finding all the solutions to a problem. Backtracking algorithms are most applicable in those problems that engage decision-making for numerous potential solutions and that are used in puzzle solving, path searching, and other combinatorial optimization problems.
It is therefore possible for these algorithms to use the stack data structure to recall previous decisions when necessary as it follows the Last in First out ( LIFO ) operations. It is also seen that backtracking is very effective when some sort of exhaustive search or optimization techniques are needed.
How it works ?
- Partial solutions are themselves placed on the stack throughout path discovery.
- It is popped to go back in the stack when one has reached an unexplorable situation when searching for a solution.
- This process continues until a valid solution is come out.
Examples of Backtracking
- Finding a solution to mazes using trails
- Solving the N-Queens problem
- Solving Sudoku through various attempts at placing a number
Memory Management
Memory Management plays a pivotal role and one of the major applications of stack in data structure because it easily manipulates memory allocation and deallocation throughout the program execution and also for storing the local variables and other details of function calls.
This is because Stacks are important in mitigating memory fragmentation because memory space is released in the Last in First out structures.
This makes memory allocation and deallocation occur at much higher speed than any other memory management scheme.
The stack-based concept is used in virtually all lower-level programming domains and higher-level applications and plays a major role in the optimization of memory in current computer systems.
Depth-First Search (DFS)
Depth-First Search is one of the graph traversal algorithm that leverages a stack in data structure to explore graphs or trees by delving deeper into the structure. This approach exemplifies the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle, ensuring that the most recently visited node is explored next to complete the graph traversal.
DFS is particularly effective for navigating structures like mazes, maps, and various types of networks where the sequence of traversal is predetermined.
Its speed and efficiency in handling large and complex structures make it invaluable across domains such as computer science and artificial intelligence.
Delimiter checking
Delimiter checking is another major application of using stack in data structure .
This process ensures that the expressions are syntactically correct and that nothing causes mismatches of opening with closing delimiters or vice and versa needed for correctness and an understanding of the code.
How it works?
- Pushed on the stack to see unmatched delimiters.
- Those popped and matched with the specific opening delimiters only.
The applications of stack in data structure are crucial in modern technology because of computation and problem-solving. As we have came across various applications of using stack in data structure in the blog and realizing, using it we can make implementation more efficient.
These various applications help developers to construct high performance computing systems. Similar to queue in data structure, stack remains an important part of computer science providing dependability and effectiveness across numerous fields.