3 Attempts, 2 Disappointments, Finally 99.6%le, Converted IIM K and IIFT


IIM Kozhikode, 2015-2017,Converted IIM K and IIFT
CAT %le : 99.60

We generally do get different opinions from different people about how to go for CAT, what to do and what not to do. I feel everyone has their own unique way of preparation. One size doesn’t fit all, so analyse every suggestion you get from others and see if it will suit your plans. Make your own strategy and stick to it. Here are some suggestions which helped me last year:

  • For people who feel they are weak at Quantitative Aptitude, you need to stop feeling that way. This section is all about confidence and practice. CAT tests basic aptitude level with slight bit of twist. With sufficient practice, one can easily score better in this section. Start from the basics and try to internalize the concept. Know the logic behind every solution (Except Geometry :P). Stop memorizing long formulas instead, build a base strong understanding of the concepts. Arun Sharma and Sarvesh Verma helped me immensely if you practice it with dedication. Solve previous years mocks to know different types of questions that can be asked. This will make sure that nothing new crops up in the exam as you will be aware of almost all types of questions that exist. Sectional test and mocks will help build your confidence. Trust me, confidence is very important. It can do wonders.

  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation is one section which can not be taken lightly. It has shattered many dreams in the past and it can do so this year as well. People with good analytical ability will have an edge here but that can’t stop others from doing well. 1-2 hours should be dedicated towards this section everyday. I started my preparation for this section from Arun Sharma. It did help with the basics, especially in Logical Reasoning. For Data Interpretation, you need to practice speed calculations. Even though calculator is allowed, calculation speed can save you precious time. Try to familiarize yourself with as many caselets as you can. While solving them, try to be calm. Nervousness won’t help you, it will only slow you down. Develop the ability to choose sets wisely. One wrong decision can mess up this section badly on the D-Day.
  • Verbal ability is not my area of strength however, I will share my two cents here. You need not be a master of the language to score decent in CAT. People often say that reading helps and it actually does. Read few editorials every day and try to understand what an author iss trying to convey. Focus on Reading Comprehensions as it forms a heavy chunk of this section.
    Accuracy in solving Reading Comprehension can make or break this section. Practice 3-4 Reading Comprehensions everyday with a time constraint. Take as many sectional test as you can. It helps immensely. For Critical Reasoning, prefer practicing from past year GMAT papers will be one to refer. Try to understand the reasoning behind every solution and learn from your mistakes.

Well, this seems pretty easy, but trust me it will need some devotion and self belief. There will be times when you will feel down for your low mock scores. Well, that is the time when you need to go back to basics. Make sure that you take lessons from every mistake and not repeat it again. I will stress on this point again and again. Never repeat same mistake. Make a new one, if you have to.

Be active on CAT Preparation – iQuanta group as you will learn a lot from this group. You can always learn new methods and logic from the group. Learning and sharing will be the key. I took coaching from Career Launcher in 2013 but it didn’t help the cause much. It was this CAT Preparation-iQuanta group and iQuanta Course which helped me score decent enough in my last attempt.

Above all, believe in yourself. If you are confident about yourself, half the job is already done. Enjoy this journey. I hope all of you will be able to achieve your dreams.
All the best.