CAT 2019 Result (Announced) – Check CAT Result 2019


CAT 2019 Result – IIM Kozhikode has announced the CAT 2019 results now. IIMs announces result online, on It is released as scorecard and section wise scaled score, section wise percentile score, overall score core, and overall percentile score are mentioned in it. To check result of CAT 2019, candidates need your Hall ticket no. and password. Based on CAT result, admission in 20 IIMs and 200+ B-Schools is granted. To do so, institutes call candidates for GD / PI round on the basis of CAT percentile. Learn how to check CAT 2019 result, how is it calculated, how is scaling done, IIMs cutoff and more details from this page.

  Scaling in CAT 2019

There seems to be an up-scaling of 5 marks in SLOT 2 DILR and 1 marks down each in QA & VARC.

Lot of aspirants are talking about difficulty level difference of Slot 1 and Slot 2 in CAT 2019. It is apparent that there maybe some differences in Slot 1 and Slot Difficulty level. So how does it fare out in percentile calculations?

Digging into the Equipercentile Method of Normalisation followed by CAT and major examinations like MHCET, IBPS, etc.

Summary of the process is as follows:

1. For each slot (1 and 2), scaled scores will be calculated by giving equivalent scaling for each section.

2. Then in each slot (1 and 2), percentiles will be calculated within each slot. (Assuming each slot had 1 lac exam takers, your percentile will be calculated from those 1 lac exam takers). So it does not matter if your slot was easy or difficult.

3. Each percentile of each slot will be mapped to each other. Like scaled score of the 100th percentile of each slot will be mapped to each other. Similarly, 95th percentile of each slot will be mapped to each other.

So ultimately it is your performance in your slot that matters. Commenting on the difficulty level of others slot is not warranted. It does not matter if the paper was easy or difficult or moderate. If it was difficult, it was difficult for all people in your slot.

B-Schools Accepting Different MBA Entrance Scores

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